
Showing posts from April, 2015

Mystery of the Wright Flyer Wings Part II

""Inconsistencies,' answered Imlac, 'cannot both be right, but imputed to man they may both be true.'" --Rasselus "...I have found that silent truth cannot withstand error aided by continued propaganda." -- Orville Wright : "Why the 1903 Wright Airplane Is Sent to a British Museum" Glenn Curtiss flying in the AEA "June Bug" July 4, 1908, at Hammondsport, New York 1908 was the year that man's ability to fly exploded into the world's consciousness--like fireworks; and it was on the 4th of July that our own Glenn Hammond Curtiss made the first pre-announced public flight in the United States.   Glenn's amazing demonstration was in front of officials and a large crowd and convinced many, I'm told, that he was the very first to fly. Although most Americans now believe that manned, powered flight had been achieved four and a half years before on December 17, 1903, the year the Wright brothers claimed they flew from lev...