
Showing posts from October, 2015

Two Different Timelines: December 17, 1903, the Day the Wright Brothers Claimed They Made the First Powered Flight in History

At Kill Devil Hills, NC: December 17, 1903 Wind speed: 27 mph. Temperature with wind chill: near freezin g Timeline Number One   The Wright's Story Of  The Events of December. 17 , 1903, When They Claimed the First Powered, Heavier Than Air, Controlled,  Sustained, and Powered Flights in History Note: Timeline number one, as narrated in this blog post, is extracted from the documents and statements of Orville and Wilbur Wright. Together with the photographs depicted in this article, it is the official version of Wright historians. 10:00 am or thereabouts The Wright brothers wake up on the morning of December 17, 1903, to a cold wind, strong enough to attempt a powered flight from level ground. The rail they need to take off from has been moved from the hill. after their December 14 attempt and set up about 200 feet from their camp.. They failed making a successful flight from the hill on the 14th. The brothers put up their flag to signal their friends at the Kill Devi...